Code #27745

Daily Fundamentals Lessons

Daily Fundamentals Lessons provide the perfect start to your students' school day, offering 10-15 minutes of focused daily practice in language, math, and reading skills.

Shipping Information:

2-3 Business Days via UPS Ground

Web Retail Price: $24.98/Ea.
List Price: $33.30/Ea.

About this product

Daily Fundamentals Lessons provide the perfect start to your students' school day, offering 10-15 minutes of focused daily practice in language, math, and reading skills. These lessons align with your core curriculum, helping students stay engaged while reinforcing essential skills. With a detailed scope and sequence, you’ll always know exactly which skills your students are practicing.

Designed for versatility, Daily Fundamentals lessons are ideal for morning work, bell ringers, homework, or informal assessments. They are an excellent way to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that students are prepared for success on state assessments and other evaluations. This consistent daily practice helps sharpen their skills while reinforcing key concepts across multiple subjects.

Why Choose Us?

We can meet or exceed your schools' expectations. You won't receive the same level of attention from one of the large, national companies. We are big enough to service your schools, and small enough to care about you.

It's our goal to service educators with products that benefit you and enable education to be both an enlightening and enjoyable experience for your students.

It's a win-win strategy and we have always abided by our long-term motto "Our word is our bond."